
Spring Open House – Featuring Rob Cantley and Jeremiah Harris

March 22, 2022

Hey everyone,

Florae’s 2022 Spring Open House will be Saturday, May 7th from 12:00-4:00pm! We’re very excited to announce our featured guests will be Rob Cantley and Jeremiah Harris!

Rob Cantley is the namesake of Nepenthes robcantleyi and the founder of Borneo Exotics, one of the world’s largest Nepenthes nurseries.

In addition to being a world-class breeder and grower, Rob tirelessly works to conserve Nepenthes. He helps determine Nepenthes conservation status as the Chair of Carnivorous Plant Specialist Group of the IUCN. Furthermore, Rob maintains a vast collection of Nepenthes species in tissue culture to ensure their continued genetic diversity.

Jeremiah Harris holds the Guinness World Record for the largest Venus Fly Trap and has one of the most extensive collections of carnivorous plants in the US. He regularly travels to see these plants in the wild and has some incredible stories. On top of all this, he is the founder of the Colorado Carnivorous Plant Society!

Jeremiah and Rob are experts in carnivorous plants. We’re very excited to learn from them!

In addition to meeting Rob and Jeremiah, at our Open House you’ll be able to tour our greenhouse, speak with our botanists, and of course see incredible tropical plants. We have thousands of carnivorous plants, orchids, and aroids.

We’re proudly located in the heart of the Finger Lakes in Ithaca, New York. Please read our Guide to Visiting Florae if you are traveling from afar!

Don’t worry – the fun doesn’t stop with the tropical greenhouse. Our surrounding property was professionally designed and hosts a variety of unusual plants. You can find Dawn Redwoods, Giant Butterburs, Contorted Mulberry, and Weeping Katsura†.

A reservation is required and attendance is limited. Be sure to book your reservation soon!

†Respectively, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Petasites japonicus, Morus nigra ‘Unryu’, and Cercidiphyllum japonicum ‘Pendula’

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